How to use Islamic matrimonial site | Singles Muslim for marriage. Cайт Знакомств для мусульман, знакомства для Никяха, замуж за араба, замуж в Дубай

STEP ONE: Create impressive profile. One should never underestimate 1st impression, so show your dedication, complete your profile and make it as interesting as possible. Quick answers like 'I will tell you later' won't help you in your search of life partner. On the countrary, it will put off most people who visit your profile. Don't expect a reply from ladies if you do not provide information about yourself, nobody wants to correspond with an unknown'ghost'.

No need to remind you that at least 50% of success depends on how you look on your photo. It doesn't mean photo should be handsome, but neat, tidy, serious look with a touch of a kind smile is a MUST for your success. A special tip if you are looking for practicing muslim lady-  a photo in Arabian clothes is an advantage and you will receive at least 2-3 times more responses. Add up to five photographs to your profile so that other members can get a complete picture of you and see what you look like in different situations.


So, your profile is completed. Now you can start your search - it is available from the website's menu. Usually all people search for profiles with photos only. Try to do a search for all profiles with photo and without photos alike- some ladies are too shy to publish their pictures on the internet but will gladly send you upon your request. Moreover, you will stand a better chance by contacting members without photos as they don't receive as much messages as members with appealing photos. Try to send messages to few ladies, it will give you a better chance since not all ladies will reply. It is a Russian custom, in order not to offend the sender. She will not reject you, if she is not interested, she just simply won't reply.

In Russia English isn't obligatory language. Many girls don't know and don't speak English. If you want to correspond with the Russian girl, write to her in Russian. For this purpose use the translator.


Message from our templates (pre-defined, in two languages). (Islamic matrimonial site) gives you an unique opportunity to send your first messages at a single click - besides, this message will be in lady's native language. No need to struggle anymore - just read all our templates, choose the one that is suitable, it has already been translated and the lady will receive it in both languages. Besides, messages from templates are free for all members. To read full templates, click here or read below:

You can send Ready templates . Having clicked on an arrow all list of templates from which you can choose a template suitable you drop out.


The next step in your search for a ife partner - now that you have become familiar with site's facilities, with ladies' profiles and most likely already received some responses. Remember, we give our ladies freedom to write their own messages but message from non-paid-up members will be delivered with a special filter (i.e. all possible contact details such as email, phone number, msn, skype etc) will be completely cut off. So in order to contact the lady to send her a custom message, and be able to give her your email etc, you need to upgrade your membership. You might come across a question - if she is non-paying member, will she be able to receive my messages with my contact details? Yes - all ladies can receive messages in full as it is. And with a paid membership you can contact up to 50 ladies per day, use chat,  read messages; send up to 50 personalized messages per hour (where you can include your contact details).

You can send Ready templates only! Having clicked on an arrow all list of templates from which you can choose a template suitable you drop out.
Here content of templates:

You can send virtual gifts, such as diamonds, hearts etc. - to win the heart of the one you like.


STATUS - VIP-MEMBER  (gold, silver or bronze membership) >> UPGRADE NOW >>
Payment only for men. For women free of charge! VIP-Membership you CAN enjoy the following features:
- send up to 50 personalized messages per hour (where you can include your contact details);
- read messages;
- see who read your messages;
- rate photos etc. etc;
- send virtual gifts,
- use CHAT.
Paid Membership will entitle you to the Full access to features and services.

Your payment will go to benefit this Islamic matrimonial site - the fee is very low and meant to make up the cost for running site, services, support team. etc. 


6. If you have friend/s or favorites/s then SYSTEM Recent Activities will show only activities done by these members (your friends or favorites).

7. If you enter incorrectly login or password three times, the website is blocked for 30 minutes!

8. After updating information, profile goes offline until manual approval by our moderator.   So after updates wait for 24 hours. And try update not too often Click the submit button once when finished editing all the points of the profile.

Video presentation "How to use Russian Muslim marriage website?" >>

LoveNikah is dedicated to Muslim matchmaking online. We hope to help you find love, comfort, peace, integrity and happiness in marriage. No marriage can be successful if both partners are not in tune with each other’s’ thoughts, emotions, activities, ideas, opinions and desires.

LoveNikah seeks to unite you with your soulmate, the one that you were always waiting for. The internet enables you to reach out to potential partners across boundaries, thereby offering a greater chance for you to find the one you are meant to be with. This wonderful opportunity should not be missed.

Be active in finding your life partner. Do not waste your time, start dating right now.

If you do not have a photo in your profile, your profile does not interest anyone. All prefer to see with whom they communicate. Take some of your photos in different environments: at home, at work, on the street, in a store, at rest, in your yard, with friends, with a family and with your pets (if you have any). Capture your passions, hobbies, interests and so on. And with each letter attach one or two photos with a detailed description. First, photos are an opportunity to show yourself as you are in life. Second, photos give many ideas for letters and discussions. Third, photos are an opportunity to become closer and more relaxed in communication. .


Сайт LoveNikah создан для мусульман, которые ищут жену-мусульманку или мужа-мусульманина. Мы надеемся помочь вам найти любовь, комфорт, мир, добросовестность и счастье в браке. Ни один брак не может быть успешным, если оба партнера не созвучны с мыслями, эмоциями, действиями, идеями, мнениями и желаниями друг друга.

LoveNikah стремится объединить вас с вашей родной душой, той, которую вы всегда ждали. Интернет позволяет вам связаться с потенциальными партнерами через границы, тем самым предлагая вам больше шансов найти того, с которым вы собираетесь жить. Эта замечательная возможность не должна быть упущена.

Будьте активны в поиске своего партнера жизни. Если у вас нет фото в профайле, то ваш профайл мало кто просматривает. Все хотят видеть с кем они общаются. Добавьте хорошего качества фотографии в разных средах: дома, на работе, на улице, в магазине, на отдыхе, в вашем дворе, с друзьями, с семьей и с домашними животными (если они есть). Покажите ваши хобби, интересы и так далее. Такие фотографии дают много идей для писем и обсуждений. Это дает возможность быть ближе и более расслабленно в общении.

Если вы не знаете с чего начать знакомство, воспользуйтесь нашими письмами-шаблонами, которые специально разработаны для таких случаев.