Correct relations in marriage life | Singles Muslim for marriage. Cайт Знакомств для мусульман, знакомства для Никяха, замуж за араба, замуж в Дубай


Almighty tests our resolve. However a good family life has at it's essence 2 people who come together for a common purpose and agree to share their lives together. They should love the same things or agree to find out about those things which interest the partner and vice versa. Marriage is the cornerstone upon which a good family life is based and this is so regardless of culture or religious background. The essence of a good family life is respect for and agreeing to respect the human differences between people of different backgrounds or even of similar backgrounds. You must be able to relate to each other and the essence of romance is sharing and caring and the love should grow rather than diminish throughout he years. There is mutual interdependence an the one does not feel complete without the other. However their should also be respect for ones own individual private space. Trust is part of a true good family life and the ability to forgive slights or other minor indiscretions on behalf of a partner. It is natural to feel possessive over ones loved one/s and even a little jealousy is okay as long as it doesn't overwhelm the relationship. each partner must have a little space which they can call their own. Interests will inevitably be shared and the more the partners spend leisure time enjoying each others company it is a recipe for a good life. And the love and romantic feelings will follow and grow, and like a flower will continue to bloom well into old age.

LoveNikah is dedicated to Muslim matchmaking online. We hope to help you find love, comfort, peace, integrity and happiness in marriage. No marriage can be successful if both partners are not in tune with each other’s’ thoughts, emotions, activities, ideas, opinions and desires.

LoveNikah seeks to unite you with your soulmate, the one that you were always waiting for. The internet enables you to reach out to potential partners across boundaries, thereby offering a greater chance for you to find the one you are meant to be with. This wonderful opportunity should not be missed.

Be active in finding your life partner. Do not waste your time, start dating right now.

If you do not have a photo in your profile, your profile does not interest anyone. All prefer to see with whom they communicate. Take some of your photos in different environments: at home, at work, on the street, in a store, at rest, in your yard, with friends, with a family and with your pets (if you have any). Capture your passions, hobbies, interests and so on. And with each letter attach one or two photos with a detailed description. First, photos are an opportunity to show yourself as you are in life. Second, photos give many ideas for letters and discussions. Third, photos are an opportunity to become closer and more relaxed in communication. .


Сайт LoveNikah создан для мусульман, которые ищут жену-мусульманку или мужа-мусульманина. Мы надеемся помочь вам найти любовь, комфорт, мир, добросовестность и счастье в браке. Ни один брак не может быть успешным, если оба партнера не созвучны с мыслями, эмоциями, действиями, идеями, мнениями и желаниями друг друга.

LoveNikah стремится объединить вас с вашей родной душой, той, которую вы всегда ждали. Интернет позволяет вам связаться с потенциальными партнерами через границы, тем самым предлагая вам больше шансов найти того, с которым вы собираетесь жить. Эта замечательная возможность не должна быть упущена.

Будьте активны в поиске своего партнера жизни. Если у вас нет фото в профайле, то ваш профайл мало кто просматривает. Все хотят видеть с кем они общаются. Добавьте хорошего качества фотографии в разных средах: дома, на работе, на улице, в магазине, на отдыхе, в вашем дворе, с друзьями, с семьей и с домашними животными (если они есть). Покажите ваши хобби, интересы и так далее. Такие фотографии дают много идей для писем и обсуждений. Это дает возможность быть ближе и более расслабленно в общении.

Если вы не знаете с чего начать знакомство, воспользуйтесь нашими письмами-шаблонами, которые специально разработаны для таких случаев.