Terms of service | Singles Muslim. Международный сайт Знакомств для мусульман, знакомства для Никяха, замуж за араба, замуж в Дубай

Terms of service


To register or use LoveNikah.com you must be of legal marriageable age in the countries concerned.

You are solely responsible for the content that you display/post on LoveNikah.com or send to any members.

Please note that LoveNikah is NOT responsible for the photos/information/messages etc. presented on the website (and in further communication between members) and will not become involved in any mediation between any parties on the site.

Administration reserves the right to approve or delete any profile or photo. LoveNikah.com is not responsible for the content of any personal messages, personal information in profile or for external links/websites. At the moment membership is free for all.

During registration some members leave important fileds in the profile empty. Please not, that it will be completed by default. After your profile has been activated, please go to your profile and fill in / rectify all sections.

LoveNikah.com reserves the right to change the policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for updates.

By becoming a Member of LoveNikah.com, you agree to receive messages/emails from the management.

LoveNikah.com is not liable for any injury, pain or loss suffered on account of use of this site.

Similar to all dating services online, LOVENKAH.com will NOT be responsible for misuse of any facility/service
LoveNikah.com is NOT responsible for the content of messages sent using this site.

Members can upload only their own photos (modest photos!)

In regards to photos/videos/messages/content:

It is forbidden to upload/display the following:
- irrelevant picture/s;
- photo with face covered (for males only);
- nudity;
- pornography;
- copyrighted materials of any kind;
- any kind of sexually explicit material;
- any infromation that might be harassing, abusive, insulting, threatening, obscene, libelous, illegal or leads to such activities.

Messages should be of personal character only. No commercial adverts are allowed! Copyrighted information/pictures are strictly forbidden to be posted!

Please note - NO immodest photographs or messages will be tolerated!

Management reserves the right to delete any infringement of regulations mentioned above.


Please be careful of fraud 'profiles' and be cautious. For example:

1) when corresponding, request the person you are in contact with, to use webcam, so that you can ascertain whether the photo on the website matches with the photo on the profile);

2) if you are planning to go to visit or to invite somebody to your country, firstly procure all important and relevant information about the person;

3) do not get financially involved! Be AWARE of FRAUD on the internet, NEVER give your credit card number, don't send money etc.


 There are plenty of situations with 'strange' emails from an unknown woman/man (any religion or country) who would promise "happiness ever after" and would ask to send money for air-ticket, application for passport and visa etc. In most cases, such persons do not even exist - somebody else (often even man) may send such emails and attach somebody else's photo (very often photos of models)!

If you notice any suspicious profile, please IMMEDIATELY contact the admin of LoveNikah.com



Depending on the day of the week, public holiday and the method of payment, it may take from up 72 hours before the upgraded membership will be activated. 

There is NO money-back EXCEPT IF the two following conditions are met: claim can be done ONLY within 48 hours (2 days) of original transaction and ONLY if the member has not used any paid feature in our site. Once any of the paid features  (such as sending custom message) has been used, the fee becomes non-refundable.

If we find that any member has used a stolen or fraudulent credit card details, IP and all the personal information of that member will be forwarded to the Law enforcement.

Please understand that we are not responsible for suspension of our service, no matter what the cause might be. Any claim against us shall be limited to the amount you paid, if any, for use of the Service during the previous 12 months (1 year). We may discontinue or change our service and our policy, and you have the right to stop using our Service at any time you wish. 

Muslim matrimonial site

LoveNikah is dedicated to Muslim matchmaking online. We hope to help you find love, comfort, peace, integrity and happiness in marriage. No marriage can be successful if both partners are not in tune with each other’s’ thoughts, emotions, activities, ideas, opinions and desires.

LoveNikah seeks to unite you with your soulmate, the one that you were always waiting for. The internet enables you to reach out to potential partners across boundaries, thereby offering a greater chance for you to find the one you are meant to be with. This wonderful opportunity should not be missed.

Be active in finding your life partner. Do not waste your time, start dating right now.

If you do not have a photo in your profile, your profile does not interest anyone. All prefer to see with whom they communicate. Take some of your photos in different environments: at home, at work, on the street, in a store, at rest, in your yard, with friends, with a family and with your pets (if you have any). Capture your passions, hobbies, interests and so on. And with each letter attach one or two photos with a detailed description. First, photos are an opportunity to show yourself as you are in life. Second, photos give many ideas for letters and discussions. Third, photos are an opportunity to become closer and more relaxed in communication. .


Сайт LoveNikah создан для мусульман, которые ищут жену-мусульманку или мужа-мусульманина. Мы надеемся помочь вам найти любовь, комфорт, мир, добросовестность и счастье в браке. Ни один брак не может быть успешным, если оба партнера не созвучны с мыслями, эмоциями, действиями, идеями, мнениями и желаниями друг друга.

LoveNikah стремится объединить вас с вашей родной душой, той, которую вы всегда ждали. Интернет позволяет вам связаться с потенциальными партнерами через границы, тем самым предлагая вам больше шансов найти того, с которым вы собираетесь жить. Эта замечательная возможность не должна быть упущена.

Будьте активны в поиске своего партнера жизни. Если у вас нет фото в профайле, то ваш профайл мало кто просматривает. Все хотят видеть с кем они общаются. Добавьте хорошего качества фотографии в разных средах: дома, на работе, на улице, в магазине, на отдыхе, в вашем дворе, с друзьями, с семьей и с домашними животными (если они есть). Покажите ваши хобби, интересы и так далее. Такие фотографии дают много идей для писем и обсуждений. Это дает возможность быть ближе и более расслабленно в общении.

Если вы не знаете с чего начать знакомство, воспользуйтесь нашими письмами-шаблонами, которые специально разработаны для таких случаев.